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Eastlake Junior Committee
Junior President - Michael Matthews (email) 0451919219
Junior Vice President - Gerard Whitechurch
Junior Secretary - Kristy Whitechurch (email)
Junior Treasurer - Andrew Pratt (email)
Equipment Officer - Donovan de Light
Blaster Coordinator -
Grounds and Training Bookings Coordinator - Scott Weston
Eastlake ACT Junior Cricket Council rep - Mike Mathews / Gerard Whitechurch
PlayHQ Club Contact - Don de Ligt (MOBILE)
Stage Coordinators
Stage 1 - Rod Furner/Gerard Whitechurch
Stage 2 - Aimee Harvey/Phil McDougall
Stage 3 - Danny Edmunds
Girls Stage 1, 2, 3 - Claire (Muz) Murray
Colts - TBA
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